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Privacy Policy / Terms and Conditions

Grange Workplace Initiatives Pty Ltd - Privacy Policy Summary


Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L

Privacy Principles (APPs). Personal information includes information relating to you. References in this Privacy Policy to “you” are references to the individual reading this Privacy Policy or an individual on whom Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L has collected information. References to the terms “Australian Privacy Principles”, “personal information” and “sensitive information” have the meaning attributed to those terms in the Privacy Act.


If you are an employee of a partnering client, please refer to the section headed ‘Employee Information’ below and your company's privacy policy as your company may outsource various HR-related functions to assist them in meeting their business needs and obligations.


Collection of information 

The types of information Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L collect will depend on the nature of your dealings with us. Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L will only collect personal information if it is reasonably necessary for one or more of its functions or activities. Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L will generally collect personal information when a business has- 


​● instructed and partnered with Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L provide various mentoring, advisory and/or administrative functions. 

​● Purchased information modules from our organization.

● when personal information is provided to Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L via our web form.

● when you subscribe to a newsletter or receive Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L publications.

● when you visit our website

● when you apply or are employed with Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L

● if you attend a Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L meeting

● if you or our business partner engage in business dealings with Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L


 To exercise opt-out options requests should be directed to your employer if you are an employee of a partnering client. Alternatively, you can email


Collection of Non-Personal Information via this Website

Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L also collects information that does not, on its own, identify an individual (non-personal information). When you visit Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L website, a record of your visit is made with the following information:


 ● your top-level domain name.

 ● the date and time of your visit.

 ● the web pages you accessed.

 ● the documents you downloaded.

 ● the type of browser you are using.

 ● your server address; and

 ● IP address of the site.


This aggregated, non-personal information is collated to determine the number of people who visit Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L website and the most frequently visited sections of the website. This enables Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L to continually update and refine its site. If you use any forms on its website to send an email to someone at Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L, a record will also be made of your email address.


When Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L combines non-personal information with personal information, Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L treats the combined information as personal information.

Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L website may contain links to other sites. Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L is not responsible for the privacy practices or policies of those sites.





Our website, online services, apps, and email messages may use cookies. Cookies help us to better understand user behavior and tell us which parts of the website people have visited. Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L uses cookies to improve the navigational experience of visitors on its website by making it more user-friendly.


If you wish to disable cookies, your browser should allow you to opt-out of receiving cookies. If you are not sure whether your browser has this capability, check with your service provider to find out how to disable cookies. Please note that certain features of Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L website may not be available once cookies are disabled.


Website analytics - Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L


Our website uses Google Analytics, a service which transmits website traffic data to Google servers in the United States. Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L does not identify individual users or associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L uses reports provided by Google Analytics, to help us understand website traffic and webpage usage.


By using this website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner described in Google's Privacy Policy and for the purposes set out above. You can opt-out of Google Analytics Grange if you disable or refuse the cookie, disable JavaScript, or use the opt-out service provided by Google.


Our website also uses interfaces with social media sites such as LinkedIn. If you choose to "like" or "share" information from these websites through these services, you should review the privacy policy of that service. If you are a member of a social media site, the interfaces may allow the social media site to connect your visits to this site with other personal information. Collection of information in the ordinary course of business Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L may collect personal information about you in the ordinary course of its business, including your name, address, contact details and occupation. This information may be collected through meetings, face-to-face interviews, business cards, seminars, telephone calls, emails and from third parties. Monitoring of telephone calls.


When Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L speaks to you on the phone, calls may be recorded for security, training, and quality assurance purposes.


Sensitive Information


Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L will only collect sensitive information about partnering clients employees (e.g.- information about your membership of a professional body, race, religion, ethnicity, political opinion, or individual health information) if the collection is reasonably necessary for one or more of our appointed functions or activities. We require our clients to ensure we are written into all policies and procedures as per privacy regulations and that these procedures are compliant at the time of our appointment to meet our mutual obligations.


Use of Personal Information


·        Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L may use the personal information it collects about you for many purposes including to:

·        ​ support an organization in the areas we cover. 

·        compile statistical data and maintain its database. 

·        develop/improve its website.

·        respond to any email enquiries.

·        notify you of any upcoming training or other events.

·        provide you with publications.

·        manage quality control.

·        manage systems administration.

·        comply with compliance policies.

·        provide you or your employer with advice.

·        receive services from you or your employer; and

·        assist with employment arrangement purposes or

·        Assist with workplace injury claims and management.

·        Mentor and administratively support return to work functions.


Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L will not use or disclose your personal information for any purpose which is not related (or in the case of sensitive information, directly related) to the above purposes without your consent, or unless otherwise authorized.


Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L will not use or disclose personal information it holds for direct marketing purposes unless you consent to its use for this purpose. If you no longer wish to receive information about Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L services, or other marketing communications, please send an email to Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L at that you do not wish to receive such information.


 Disclosure of Personal Information


 Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L may disclose your personal information in the following ways:


 ● on a confidential basis to external service providers that provide services such as financial or administrative services in connection with the operation of its business.


 ● to any person (where necessary) in connection with its services, such as to regulatory authorities, partners, or advisors; or


 ● to related entities of Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L in all such cases in accordance with the AAPs.


 Examples of services provided by external service providers include mailing houses, payment processors, archiving services, research organizations and consultants who research on behalf of Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L so it can better meet the needs of clients and staff.


 If Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L engages external service providers, it will take reasonable steps to ensure those entities comply with their obligations under the APPs when they handle your personal information. Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L will also ensure external service providers are only authorized to use personal information for the limited purposes specified in Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L’s agreement with them.


 Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L will also take reasonable steps to ensure that any overseas related entities or service providers comply with the applicable sections of the APPs in relation to how your personal information is held, managed, and accessed.


 Employee Information


 Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L may collect the following personal information about an individual employed (Employee) or on behalf of a  partnering client (Employer) of Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L for the purposes of employment relationships, workplace injury management and associated administrative functions. This information may include-


·        name and address.

·        date of birth.

·        job title.

·        immigration status details.

·        tax file number.

·        terms and conditions of employment including employee benefits; and

·        information relating to employment (i.e., absentee records, development records,

·        annual and personal/carer’s leave entitlement, disciplinary and grievance matters).

·        sensitive information including information relating to an employee’s health or ethnic origin.


Any information about Employees or partnering clients employees will be collected and stored as required to reasonably fulfill our role. Our clients or our company on behalf of our partnering clients may collect, store, use and disclose this information for staff administration purposes, workplace injury support, rtw support, management support, equal opportunities monitoring and other employment-related matters. Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L staff may also use information collected in the provision of its services. This information will only be used for purposes related to or in the case of sensitive information, directly related to the employment relationship and/or to assist in providing injury management administrative and consultative support services to our  partnering clients. 


Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L will not disclose any personal information to third parties with the exception of our staff and contractors without consent from our parenting clients unless such disclosure is to a government body, regulator, law enforcement agency or other party required, authorized, or permitted in accordance with legislation.


​Employees may request copies of their personal information, request amendments to their information and make a complaint in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


 Access and amendment requests


 If you wish to obtain access to any personal information that Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L has collected about you, please request in writing to Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L. A reasonable fee may apply for the provision of this information (ordinarily, an electronic printout or photocopy). Identification will be requested for security purposes.


Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L will take reasonable steps to make sure that any personal information it collects, uses or discloses is accurate, complete and up-to-date. If you believe that any information held by Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L is inaccurate, incomplete, out of date, irrelevant or misleading, please contact Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L .


Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L may hold working documents in order to fulfill its role that will not form part of an employee file.


Requests for access and/or amendments will be responded to within a reasonable period of time in accordance with the APPs. In respect of employees of partnering clients, Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L  may refer you to your employers privacy policy and procedure as this forms part of your employment relationship. Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L  may refuse a request for access or amendment to personal information in the circumstances outlined in the APPs. If access is refused, Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L  will provide you with a written reason for the refusal.



 If you have any complaints about Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L dealings with your personal information, including any breaches by Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L of the APPs, please email Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L at


 (a) details of your complaint including relevant dates and names of third parties (if any); and

 (b) provide any relevant documents or correspondence.


 Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within two days and investigate the issue. Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L will advise you in writing of the outcome of the investigation within a reasonable period of time in accordance with the APPs. If you are not satisfied with the outcome, Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L will advise you of further options including, if appropriate, review by the Privacy Commissioner within the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (see for further information).


 Storage and security of Personal Information


 Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L takes all reasonable steps to ensure that personal information is kept secure and protected against unauthorized access, modification, or disclosure and from misuse, interference, and loss.


 Any information that Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L holds is stored on secure servers, either in Australia and/or overseas that are protected in controlled facilities. Only certain authorized employees of Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L and/or contractors who provide services in relation to its information systems will have access to the secure servers.


 Although Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L has put in place certain checks and measures in relation to system security, Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L cannot guarantee that data transmitted over the internet will be 100% secure. Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L will not be responsible for the security of information you send to or receive from Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L, over the internet.


 In the event of a data breach, Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L is committed to complying with the requirements of all Australian Privacy Laws and where required, the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation.


Data Retention

Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L retains the information you provide and information it collects about you, including personal information. This is for as long as Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L continues to employ you, provide services to a partnering organization, for the duration of your claim, and/or specifically until such time as your employer request Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L delete personal information. As our partnering clients are requested to retain the information they are required to by law, we may decide not to retain certain information if deemed appropriate.


How to contact Grange Workplace Initiatives P/L

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or Grange Workplace Initiatives’ privacy practices, please contact Grange Workplace Initiative on the details below -




The information provided in our modules is intended for the person or entity to which it is addressed. It is not authorized to be utilized in meeting any legal or audit requirements. Our modules provide considerations for your business.


Any review, re-transmission, dissemination, replicating, other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon this information, by persons or entities other than the intended recipient(s) is prohibited.


If you have received this in error, please contact the sender and permanently delete this document and associated material from any computer or device.


The intended recipient of this document may only use, reproduce, disclose, or distribute the information contained in this e-mail and any attached files, with the written permission of the sender. The sender does not accept liability for any action taken as a result of the contents or advice within the email and all information is intended for the careful consideration of the recipient(s). Our communication and modules are provided ‘without prejudice’.


The information in this document is provided to inform businesses of many aspects of claims management of which they may not have been made aware.


It is an overview and not provided as step by step action tool. The information and processes referred to are not limited to the advice stated.


Modules are not designed as comprehensive documents detailing how to manage claims however cover specific important issues faced by businesses.


Information in these modules is relevant as at publishing date and updates will need to be sought by the reader.

The information in this document is not intended as medical or legal advice.

Terms & Conditions

This agreement describes the terms for members or customers of Grange Workplace Initiatives who obtain information materials through or use the site.




In this document, “Information Material” or “Content” is the information product you obtain from Grange Workplace Initiatives through e-commerce purchase, website download and email delivery. “You” and “The Customer” refers to the customer or client who purchases the Information Material. “We”, “Us” and the “Author” refers to Grange Workplace Initiatives. We hereby grant to you a non-transferable license to use the Information Materials for the Permitted Uses as defined below. Anything outside the Permitted Uses for Information Materials is excluded. These are presented under Exclusions. All other rights to the Information Materials, including, without limitation, all copyright and other intellectual property rights relating to the Content, are retained by Grange Workplace Initiatives and or its suppliers. This Agreement is effective until it is terminated. You can terminate this Agreement by destroying the purchased Information Materials along with any copies or archives of it and ceasing to use the Information Materials for any purpose. The Agreement also terminates with or without notice from Grange Workplace Initiatives if at any time you fail to comply with any of its terms. Grange Workplace Initiatives reserves the right to elect at a later date to revoke or amend the license granted by this Agreement and replace the content with an alternative for any reason. Grange Workplace Initiatives may revise this Agreement at any time and at its sole discretion.


Permitted uses for information materials


As a user of Information Materials provided by Grange Workplace Initiatives, you are hereby granted the following rights (“Your Rights”).

You are granted access to the information in our modules for the number of management employees as specified in the purchase arrangement. Any purchase exceeding one individual per company requires a specific purchase agreement.


Exclusions for information materials


You may not, under any circumstances, resell the product. You may not distribute the Information Material, for free or at cost, to others who may resell the Information Material for commercial advantage. ·You may not convert Information Materials directly to other derivatives such as audio playbacks, translations and online e-learning products and resell it as a new information material for commercial gain. ·The content is provided for your use generally as a trainer, information designer or a learner. You may not distribute the Information Materials obtained from Grange Workplace Initiatives to other entities and information course designers.·Images included in the Information Materials cannot be used outside the context they are provided without explicit permission. You are not allowed to extract images or reverse engineer the content and use them elsewhere outside the information environment. For example, you are not allowed to extract images and use them in a book publication.


Use of website content


The information modules, articles and guidelines presented on Grange Workplace Initiatives website are the property of Grange Workplace Initiatives. No content from the site (text or images) can be republished elsewhere online or in print, as part of a product, for product advertisement, for commercial gain or for free. COPYRIGHT No part of Grange Workplace Initiatives publications may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, reverse engineered, create derivative works from or in any way exploit the content or transmitted by any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior permission of the Author (publisher), (copyright owner), other than those stated under “Permitted Uses” for corresponding products. No responsibility for loss caused to any individual or organization acting or refraining from action as a result of the material in this publication can be accepted by the Author or by Grange Workplace Initiatives Pty Ltd. The right of Grange Workplace Initiatives Pty Ltd. to be identified as the owner of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. The rights to images or content are not transferred. The ownership of the Information Materials and any other products remain with Grange Workplace Initiatives. You are licensed to use the product as per conditions set in this document. PRIVACY POLICY Please view our privacy policy for more details.


Refund policy

Course fees are non-refundable. Please ensure the course you are booking is the right one for you. Contact us if you wish to clarify.

Important information

Our modules are relevant at time of purchase. Any changes to WorkCover claims management that occur following the time of purchase will not be reflected in our modules.

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